Noah Bradley2019-06-29T10:35:56+00:00And here are the final two pages of the Country Living article which focus on the bedrooms.
But in reality, as seen throughout the photos in this magazine article, the focus is not on the log home, nor is the focus on the individual rooms… it’s on the “stuff” in the rooms.
The log home itself, is just background for interesting collectables.
If Country Living had removed from each of these photographs all the wonderful pieces of furniture and decorations they wouldn’t have sold a single copy of their magazine.
Builders are often confused by the importance of “added ornamentation”… you know the fluff that has nothing to do with their work.
We’ve all seen poorly built homes that are staged with elaborate furnishings which sell quickly, while a well built home left empty and ready for new home owners to decorate languishes on the market.
A builder sweats and toils for many months to build a house, but it’s two ladies with a clipboard in an afternoon that get all the compliments.
The owner of this log cabin, and a few others that I have built homes for, have had wonderful tastes in furnishings, each has had their own unique style, and the magazines and book companies have published those homes repeatedly.
But I have also built some wonderful homes where the new owners have shown poor tastes in decorating, and I have had some clients that just never get around to properly outfitting their home, and thus these homes are shunned by the publications.
I love them all, each and every one, even the ones with plastic Walmart chairs on the front porch.
Especially those. My neglected babies.
Take a look at the covers of Country Living magazine covers that we see today. Here’s a link to them…
Notice how houses have all but disappeared from the magazine, no longer even needed as background material, and the focus now is entirely about “things”.
So, what’s my point?
We all know that houses are built much poorer than they once were. And, we know that they are much less attractive today. But why is that? Maybe, it’s because we’ve become so distracted by all the things inside?
Originally posted 2015-05-13 12:35:19.