29 06, 2019

Where have all the chimneys gone?



Whenever I take a tour of a house under construction, most of them being in the 500k to 1M dollar range, I ask the builder why there is no masonry chimney. The response if often that buyers in this price range… upper middle class… can’t afford one.
I guess this country is getting poorer.
(I build my first home for $20k and I managed to budget in a chimney on it, similar to what you see here in this photo, so I don’t buy the line that people can’t afford them).

Originally posted 2015-09-14 14:17:51.

Where have all the chimneys gone?2019-06-29T10:21:08+00:00
29 06, 2019

So nice



She fits into the landscape so well.

Originally posted 2015-09-13 18:40:06.

So nice2019-06-29T10:21:07+00:00
29 06, 2019

What happened to good design?



Why is it that every home in Colonial Williamsburg is so attractive, more than 200 years after they were designed, yet every home in the new subdivisions in my area are so ugly?

Originally posted 2015-09-13 15:12:37.

What happened to good design?2019-06-29T10:21:05+00:00
29 06, 2019

Why are tiny houses attractive?


[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Nikon D70 Focal Length: 40mm Optimize Image: Custom Color Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB) Long Exposure NR: Off 2007/09/10 12:43:07 Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority White Balance: Auto -2 Tone Comp.: Normal Compressed RAW (12-bit) Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern AF Mode: AF-S Hue Adjustment: 0° Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000) 1/200 sec - F/9 Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached Saturation: Enhanced Exposure Comp.: 0 EV Sharpening: Medium low Lens: VR 18-200mm F/3.5-5.6 G Sensitivity: ISO 200 Auto Flash Comp: 0 EV Image Comment:                                      [#End of Shooting Data Section]

1) Many small houses are visually appealing.
2) Large rural homes that are composed of a series of unique smaller structures each attached to the other are equally attractive.
3) Historically many farmhouses were built this way… start small, and add on as the family grew and as the funds were saved to pay for these additions.
4) This method of housing makes financial sense, as huge mortgages are avoided.
5) It all makes me wonder why we rarely build this way today.
6) And a more basic question… why is it that we find small houses so adorable?

BTW… this cute little place is located in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

Originally posted 2015-09-11 16:58:58.

Why are tiny houses attractive?2019-06-29T10:21:00+00:00
29 06, 2019

Window guidelines



The classic “six over six” double hung window.
You cannot go wrong with this window, just make sure that the window panes are taller than they are wide.
If your window measurement doesn’t allow this pattern try a “six over nine” or a “nine over nine” pattern.
I much prefer an odd number of horizontal window panes. I have observed that people, when they look out a window, tend to center themselves on that window… an even number of panes places a mullion in their line of sight, whereas a centered pane is a delight.
If your house has windows that vary in size… aim to maintain the size and proportions of the individual panes throughout the house, not a consistent window pane pattern.

Originally posted 2015-09-11 15:32:03.

Window guidelines2019-06-29T10:20:59+00:00
29 06, 2019

Handmade vs Perfection


barn corner

The corner notching on this barn is beautiful, in part because it is flawed. It was built by a man who clearly understood the characteristics of wood and who was also highly skilled at using an axe. This barn was clearly not created by a man who built cabins for a living. The result? There are many flaws in the workmanship… gaps and irregularities abound. And yet, his work is absolutely gorgeous… because, it looks “handmade”.

There is a curse within all the building trades. It seems that the more a craftsman works on developing his skills, the more his work ends up looking manufactured. A stone mason shapes his stones so much they begin to look like brick. The brick mason’s work begins to look like rolled-out vinyl flooring. The plasterer’s work is so smooth that it looks like drywall. The blacksmith’s work becomes so free of character that it belongs on the shelf at Walmart.

There are many people that can do a sloppy job of notching a log cabin. I am fortunate to know a dozen or two that can do a perfect job at it, notches so tight that a dollar bill cannot be inserted anywhere between two logs. But there are precious few artisans who could reproduce this corner… something that “great, great, grandpa of old” whipped out when he wasn’t farming.

Originally posted 2015-09-07 14:05:52.

Handmade vs Perfection2019-06-29T10:20:44+00:00
29 06, 2019

Quality does not need to be expensive



There is not a single thing in this photo that was expensive… in fact I can say that this area likely would cost less to build than what is being built today in many subdivisions.

Originally posted 2015-09-06 20:11:37.

Quality does not need to be expensive2019-06-29T10:20:42+00:00
29 06, 2019

On placing a house


picket fence

Now that is one nice picket fence.

Of course, what’s behind it is not bad either.

I was once told by a photographer that “any builder can build a home that has a view… but few know how to build a home that is part of the view”.

Keep that in mind when building your home.

Originally posted 2015-09-06 13:55:38.

On placing a house2019-06-29T10:20:41+00:00
29 06, 2019

Ornamental vs “Clean”



A sweet little house that is filled to the brim with elaborate detailing, all of which are in great need of some tender loving care.
I can see from the variances in the shading of the siding on the front of the house that there was once a porch roof that spanned this front entry. Can you imagine the ornate posts and detailed railings that were once on this intimate treasure?
Is this where the grandparents spent their final years, out back of the main house?


And then we have this home, with no ornamentation at all. Gorgeous.

Both homes are very attractive in their own right… but which is your preference?

Originally posted 2015-09-03 14:12:44.

Ornamental vs “Clean”2019-06-29T10:20:35+00:00
29 06, 2019

An eight foot porch


country porch

I have a dear friend who purchased a new home a few years ago complete with a front porch. But, for some reason (likely money savings), the architect and builder made the porch only four feet wide.  A porch this narrow is wide enough to put furniture across it, and allow people to squeeze in there with barely enough leg room to not touch the railing. Go figure.

I have found the ideal size of a porch to be eight feet. Any larger and the porch often overwhelms the house (unless it is a large home), and any smaller and it’s just not practical.

Originally posted 2015-08-29 13:28:18.

An eight foot porch2019-06-29T10:20:27+00:00
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